Where: Robbers Roost, Utah Canyonlands
When: November 2007
Partners: Jason Halladay, Bill Geist, Jeff Valliere, Aron Ralston & Joe from CO
Having first done Larry Canyon in October 2006, I was more than happy to take some friends through the canyon again. Afterall, I was the only one in our largeish party of 6 who had done the canyon before. And I love showing folks special places!
Returning to the familiar drop-in, the first anchor was precisely as I remembered it...confidence-inspiring. (Alternately, you can downclimb into the canyon via class 4 moki steps on canyon-left.)
Once in the depths of the canyon, glee was the order of the day!
In no hurry, we took our time through this fine canyon, snapping many pictures, goofing off, and having a wonderful time. I, for one, didn't care to leave.
On the final rappel, we all learned a little something about Bill...he'd always dreamt of being a dancer!
Eventually, we reached our point of departure for the vehicles. From there, a nice hike up beautiful slickrock to an interesting point where we found...
Righteous photos courtesy of Jason Halladay