Troy Peak, John Muir's Favorite Peak in the Great Basin

Heading up the southeast ridge

After several years of thinking about it, I finally got my act together and headed up to Troy Peak with DB. Afterall, I'd read that the peak was John Muir's favorite in the Great Basin. That struck me as something.
Just below the summit

Car camping near the end of the extremely washed out dirt road up Schofield Canyon, DB and I set out early the next morning. With rain sprinkling on us now and then, it cleared somewhat as we gained the toe of the southeast ridge and began heading up. Then, as we neared the top, storm clouds rolled in quickly.
Big exposure to the west

With DB opting to start down while I continue to the top alone, I jogged up to the highpoint, briefly enjoyed the views, then headed back down, reaching DB near the toe of the southeast ridge. A pretty hike out followed.

*Photos borrowed from H.W. Stockman