Mount Conness (12,590 Feet) & White Mountain ( 12,057 Feet)

Where: Yosemite National Park, Sierra Nevada, California
When: August 2008
Partners: DB (Conness) & Solo (White)
Route: From Saddlebag Lake (Class 2)
Mileage/Gain: 9/3,500

Starting out from Saddlebag Lake, DB and I made our way across the basin and up to the Conness-White saddle. With pretty scenery, the approach was frustrated somewhat by the difficulty of following the trail. Eventually gaining the saddle, DB started alone up Conness while I ran up White Mountain. With good rock near the crest of its north ridge, the going was quick and I shortly found myself on the summit.

Mount Conness from the summit of White Mountain

Heading back down to the saddle, I started up the south slopes of Mount Conness and soon caught up to DB. Reaching the flattish sandy plateau below the summit pyramid of Conness, we traversed across and then followed the more interesting terrain toward the summit.
East from below the summit of Mount Conness

And then came the high, noble summit...
On the summit of Mount Conness

Some strange dude showed up on the summit shortly after us. We dealt with his nonsense for a few, then decided to head down.
Descending Mount Conness

We entertained the idea of looping back to Saddlebag Lake via Conness' east ridge, but after hearing from the loon that the east ridge would be his descent route as well (and that it was mostly unpleasant), we decided to head back down to the Conness-White saddle and retrace our steps out instead.
White Mountain while descending Mount Conness