When: July 2008
Partners: Solo
Route: Loop from Mount Evans of Mount Spalding and Gray Wolf Mountain and down to Summit Lake (Class 2-3)
Mileage/Gain: 4/1,000
Having been up Mount Evans back in 2005, while DB and I were in the area I felt it prudent to drive her up the highest paved road in North America and give her a quick view from the cloudy, thunderheaded summit before all hell broke loose. 'Course, once there plans have a way of altering...
So after showing DB the lovely, boulder-strewn summit of Mount Evans, I set out alone for a run across to Mount Spalding (one of Colorado's 100 highest peaks) and its kinda-next door neighbor, Gray Wolf Mountain. Instantly chewed up by biting gnats, I quickly passed across the rugged west ridge of Mount Evans and dropped down and across to Mount Spalding. From there, I snapped a picture of Mount Evans and then continued down to the Spalding-Gray Wolf saddle.
Attaining the Gray Wolf summit, I returned toward Spalding and gained its east ridge as low as I could manage and then dropped down to Summit Lake to collect DB.