Langston Mountain in Remote Zion

Where: Zion National Park, Utah
When: Spring 2008
Partners: DB & Jared Seaquist

Deep, deep backcountry

In my apparently never-ending quest to summit everything I can get my hands on in Zion National Park, things have progressively taken a turn for the more and more obscure. Jared Seaquist was in town from Boston and he and I got in touch about doing something remote and funky. This turned out to be the perfect objective.

Langston Mountain is a mountain that probably hasn't seen an ascent in many years. With no clear line leading to the summit and its impressive grove of mature ponderosas, we followed a line that was amazingly scenic, frustratingly brushy at times, steep and loose in more than one place, and highly rewarding.

Along the way to the top, we found remnants of an old stock trail built in the early 1900's, as well as an old retaining wall below a huge orange and red alcove deep in the backcountry. Photographs just can't do justice to an area this pretty.

Lunching in the ponderosa grove on top, I took a few minutes to walk a short distance to the north where the true highpoint of the mountain was. No cairn, register or other marker was found. The views off to Gregory Butte and Timber Top Mountain were sublime.

If someone would take a machete and about 100 man-hours to clear away the brush obscuring the old stock trail, this could be a classic Zion mountain hike.

Our roundtrip came in at around 10 hours, though old beta we'd stumbled across suggested "at least a full day" to do the mountain. Jared had to catch a red-eye back to Boston, so we shook hands, said our farewells, and promised to hook up again in the future.
A little scrub-down in Hop Valley


*Photos courtesy of Jared Seaquist