Plumbers Cave

Where: Mojave Desert, California
When: February 2008
Partners: DB & Rick Kent

Plumbers Cave

It rained all night and we woke to cloudy skies. Hmmm, what to do?

I hadn't done any technical caving in about 5 years, but I remembered a nearby technical cave (called Plumbers Cave) that was short and not terribly difficult. Perfect for Rick and DB, neither of whom had done any technical spelunking...and it kept us out of the rain!
The 70-foot vertical entry shaft

Reaching the cave, we set an anchor and rappeled 60 feet to the bottom of the vertical entry shaft. From there, we explored the small section I'd been in before then pioneered some new ground I hadn't noticed on my prior visit. We found an interesting network of tight passages and small rooms that required some strenuous climbing to negotiate.
CP in the bowels of the cave

Finally satisfied we'd explored the cave's negotiable passages, Rick and DB jumar'd out while I chimneyed up and out.
DB jugging out

Photos courtesy of Rick Kent